Monday 18 August 2014

3 observations related to group training

I've been looking into a bit of group dynamics over the last week.

I am on an intense journey through different training and courses related to business at my job and some things strike me as interesting each time i go to these kind of things.

When in a big group of say 60 people it's not always easy to "stick out". Yet all of us does our own ways. At least if you look at it from a distance.

I will give you the three following examples that i find are present at every course or interactive seminar i attend:

1. The good pupil.

    There will always be an example of the good pupil present at each and every one of these kind of courses, be there management courses or general function/product oriented courses. You know who i am talking about, this is the person that are there just to please the tutor. Hands up all the time and ready to show their talent. These people are often the people that tend to focus a bit to much at the process rather than the main goal of the course. The intelligence of them should however not be questioned, they are often the sharpest knives in the box.

2. The natural

     You know this person from the second you see them. There are always a natural attending and they are the people i tend to admire the most. These guys could "sleep" through anything and come out as no. 1 every single time. They yawn their way through the theory just to outperform anyone in the practical assessments. A natural can do most things with the left hand... Something most of us look up to.

3. The clown

     Have you met this character? They will make you laugh and contribute with the best of mood. They often glue the group together with their friendly way. However they will very rarely perform and can make you crazy. The clown is needed but still redundant. Without the clown the group collapses. The natural falls asleep, no one listens to the good pupil and the general public goes in different directions.

This tells us that people are different but equally needed...

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